Energy Map Analyst

Astrocartography 101

Astrocartography 101

stylized astrocartography map
Astrocartography, is just one type of locational Astrology.

/ˈastrō kärˈtäɡrəfē/ Astrocartography
(also known as Astrogeography, Astro*Carto*graphy, Locational Astrology)

Is the study of a person’s natal chart superimposed onto a 2D map of the world.

Ever find it odd that from a young age you were drawn to China, or Tanzania, or Arizona? Or why you keep trying to travel somewhere and plans always fall through?

✨ Often you will find planetary energies running through these locales on your Astrocartography map! ✨

Astrocartography is how the placements of the planets affect the energies we experience in certain locations we live on or travel to.

Depending on Energetics, certain locations will provide you a boost (or challenge) and can be leveraged to your advantage (or avoided) once identified.

🌍 Having career troubles? Look to your MC lines
🌍 Looking to mix things up? Check your Uranus lines
🌍 Ready for some harmony and ease? Find your Sun, Jupiter, or Venus lines

***Note: it is important to have a holistic understanding of your natal chart before diving into Astrocartography. While A planet like Jupiter or Venus can be harmless for most, where it falls in your chart (sign, house, & aspects) will greatly influence how you experience its energies “on location”. Similarly, a malefic planet like Pluto that may be too intense for some may be just the right mix of release and transformation to someone who has it placed favorably in their chart.

Not sure how to break it all down?
Book an Astrocartography reading today!


Emma Jones, Energy Map Analyst