Energy Map Analyst

Traveling to my Mars DC Line

Traveling to Peru on My Mars DC Line

emma standing with her back to camera on mossy ground with fog obscuring distance
A tale of traveling to Peru, where my Mars DC line falls on my Astrocartography map.

Mars DC is known as a line where you will be forever in dispute with your partner and boy did I experience that with my friend (known here as XXXX 🙃) while traveling around Peru in 2011.

It is also known as a line where you can attract aggressive or verbally abusive attention.

However, in Astrocartography it is important to look to the natal chart for information on how you will experience the energy

With my Mars in Cancer, this line brought out passive-aggressive anger from my friend. Mars in Cancer classically holds in resentments which builds up to an emotional, dramatic explosion. Falling in my 7th house, it plays out for me in my relationships with others.

Mixed with my 5th line of others projecting on me what they want me to be AND on a DC line, I was calling this energy to me through people and experiences.

Here’s a little taste from my travel notes of all the fun I was having 11 years ago 😂

Cusco March 13, 2011

“Got into a fight with XXXX after I heard her telling XXXX about how apparently I haven’t ‘opened my wallet to pay for anything’ when I have literally been paying for everything on MY credit card and she is reimbursing me when we get back to the States. She also said I was indecisive and not making any decisions when in fact it is HER that was not giving straight answers and is the reason we are in this hostel to begin with.”

Arequipa March 16, 2011

“Got into another fight with XXXX because after a LONG day of travel I complained there was no hot water in the room and she freaked out at me. All she does is complain, all day long. Every day this entire trip. I make one comment and I’M the negative one? I’M the one bringing the mood down???”

Thankfully despite the stressful travel companion my trip was incredible because Peru is truly incredible. (Also she was a great photographer and captured some really nice shots of me.)

If I knew then what I know now (Astrocartographically) I would have been better prepared for what to expect on this line and how to handle it.

I would definitely go back to Peru one day but I will be armed with an arsenal of crystals and will be checking transits for auspicious times! ☺️

(Stay tuned for equally as stressful trip from my Mars AC line!)

Are you looking to avoid these types of stressors or aggressions during your travels?


Emma Jones, Energy Map Analyst