Energy Map Analyst

Emotional Healing Quest

Emotional Healing Quest

Emma leaning on a fan with face half in shadow half lit
I want to encourage others to take a step back from the medicine cabinet and tune into what your body is telling you.

It started with herniating three lower discs, twiceβ€” once from coughing and then a few months later from a sneeze. Then came the extreme anxiety attacks to the point of blacking out (and other more graphic ailments that I will spare you the details of).

After seeing both western and eastern healing practitioners, I decided to trust my intuition. I felt it was psychosomatic and something only I could heal.

This was the beginning of my emotional healing quest. Ultimately leading to me finally taking the plunge to leave a wonderful-but-stagnant-life. Embarking on a journey to live the rest of my life with as much fulfillment and joy as I can (all in the name of feeling healthy, of course!).

Now 5 years in, you would think I would be fluent in the language of my body. But it is still a daily struggle to understand why my left hip is hurting, why my knee is all of a sudden stiff, why I woke up with a knot in the back of my neck… What is it telling me?

Sure, some of this is aging or occupationally-related, some injuries are battle wounds from roller skating, but the majority of my pains ARE emotionally inflicted. And so I find myself on this journey of learning to identify, release, and heal myself.

In today’s modern world we are so disconnected from our bodies and many jump at the chance to take a pill or ointment if it will resolve an ache or annoyance quickly. But this is just a bandaid and often we find the pill that made everything better causes other issues down the line.

I want to encourage others to take a step back from the medicine cabinet and tune into what your body is telling you. Stagnant emotional energy is doing more than just causing you discomfort. It won’t be an easy journey but it will be rewarding, both physically and emotionally.

To help kickstart your journey, here are some of my favorite books on the topic:
πŸ“š The Secret Life of Wellness – Inna Segel
πŸ“š Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma – Peter Levine
πŸ“š The Emotion Code – Dr. Bradley Nelson


Emma Jones, Energy Map Analyst