Energy Map Analyst

Energy Map Analyst – More than an Astrologer

Energy Map Analyst —More Than an Astrologer

Human Design Bodygraph Centers in orange overlaid on image of Emma with arms crossed tinted blue
Energy Map Analysis, more than just Astrology.

Why do I hesitate to call myself an astrologer and instead call myself an Energy Map Analyst?

Because I don’t just work with Astrology!

In fact, the path that led me to becoming an Energy Map Analyst was paved only after finding the Human Design system a few years ago. (But that’s a story for another day.)

Astrology is just one of the pillars that Human Design has been built from, but let me not get ahead of myself…

What is Human Design?

It’s the science of differentiation – what makes us uniquely us. It pulls from Astrology, I Ching, Hindu Chakra system, Kabbalah, and Quantum Physics to bring you an understanding of yourself (and how you interact with others) on an energetic level.

Its a complex system with layers and layers of information, but the most important aspect of Human Design is that by following your Strategy (how you “interact” with external stimuli) and Authority (how you make decisions) you will find that your decisions and actions lead you naturally to alignment and purpose.

*To calculate your Human Design Bodygraph click here

How Can Human Design Benefit You?

This tool helps us peek behind the curtain to see how we can best function. It is meant to help us embrace who we are – not mourn who we are not or limit ourselves based on our makeup.

I hear a lot from clients during readings that the information in their chart gives them permission to be themselves.

A Brief Warning...

As humans we like to put everything into a neat little box, (this is why personality tests are so popular) but be mindful to not to let your Human Design box you in.

Just because you see something in your chart does not mean that limits you from desires you feel or dreams you wish to accomplish. THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THIS SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED FOR! (And in fact, similar to a natal chart – many elements of your design will be conflicting, it is only when you can understand all the parts as a whole that you have a clear picture).

There is ALWAYS a way to achieve your dreams by embracing whatever design you have. The challenge (and excitement) comes from exploring how to use your one-of-a-kind design to achieve your dreams in a way that is unique and aligned with YOU.

Ready to dive in? Here's how to find your Bodygraph:

1️⃣ Google “Human Design calculator”
(I recommend Jenna Zoe’s for beginners

2️⃣ Enter your information (birth date, time, location) to generate your unique Bodygraph

3️⃣ Identify to your Strategy & Authority

✨ Research, research, research (OR schedule a reading to have a full analysis done for you!)


Emma Jones, Energy Map Analyst